A Journey to Ourselves – Part 7

Hello fellow travellers…💜💜

What on Earth is going on??

Why is there so much F E A R ?
What’s going on??

The fear is coming up to be released all across the planet. It is the fear of the collective, of humanity and it needs to be released in order for humanity to start afresh. The virus is creating the perfect storm so to speak. The perfect avenue for all fear, both past and present to finally crack wide open and be released.

If you think about all that has happened to humanity over the centuries and the things that our ancestors have gone through – it’s a lot. The pain, anguish, frustrations, fear, anger, tears, shock and so much more. I know we’ve had beautiful times as well of course. We’ve had joy, laughter, surprises, triumphs, victories, euphoria and a great deal of other amazing events.

However, the pain, anger and fear of our past – has remained with us to a certain degree. Why would that be, you might ask. Well for one – our history is everywhere. Reminders of our past. Our past hurts, failures, wars, losses, despair, poverty, famines, destruction, separations – it’s all there. In our history books, our legends, our family stories, our very earth, our museums and our own personal experiences. It never goes. It’s there as a constant reminder of what was. Our past.

A lot of emotions stem from fear. Anger, when you boil it down, is a product of fear. Just as many other emotions. What you may not know, is we also and quite surprisingly to most – carry the anger, pain and fear of our ancestors. Our family pain. You have it within you. It’s a part of you and in this lifetime – you’re going to be clearing it. Yep. Who knew.

How am I supposed to do that? Well, you’ve already started. Great huh. The fear coming up right now – is clearing all fear. Past and Present. Fear is massive. Huge, enormous, gigantic! It’s a staple behind so many emotions you experience and carry around with you. It sits there dormant – then rises with a suddenness and unexpectedness that catches you by surprise. This fear that is coming up right now though – it’s the “collective” fear and it’s the first time in the entire history of humanity, that we will be releasing this emotion as a unit. Together.

Generally throughout our lifetime we push our emotions down and they remain within our body. Because of this, they often show up as dis-ease in the body. The inability to love and nurture ourselves may show up later as dis-ease in the breast. Being rigid -in our views and thoughts might give us problems in our spinal area. There are many causes to dis-ease in the body..and the clue is in the word. Dis-ease. Not being at ease with life itself. Fighting it. Restricting it. Denying it. Not knowing how to just release things and go with the flow. It’s not your fault. It’s just what you’ve learnt along the way. The trick is, un-learning those things.

The difference today however, is that we’re right on the cusp of great change. A change in humanity and a change to our planet. Because of this, what would normally be learned (hopefully and ideally) over your life time, has now been sped up. It’s all happening now. Right now. We’re releasing the fear as a collective ..and it must be done in order for us to move onto a new time-line. A new way of living and being. A New Earth.

Sounds far out? Well it’s underway. The reason we need it is that we are moving to a higher level of be-ing. An ascension is occurring on planet Earth and we need to upgrade ourselves. Why? Because our future lives – will not include Fear. It just won’t exist. No F E A R. Nientè, nada, nothing, nulla, none. Great huh.

When you hear about ascension, you might wonder what that means. Well it means a lot of things and we’ll cover that soon. But -in simple terms – we’re upgrading.  Three Dimensional (3D) Planet Earth is upgrading…and she’s taking us with her. Unheard of! This is the first time that a planet will ascend to a higher level of existence and consciousness – with human life on it. Mind blowing.

This isn’t something that will happen overnight and you’ll wake up suddenly and be an amazing, glowing, translucent Angel. But, it is happening fast and it’s been happening for a while. Probably without most people even being aware of it. This planet Earth and most humans on it, are currently operating at a 3D Level (some at 4D, 5D levels or even higher – but that’s another post folks..).

You might have heard whispers of 3D, 4D and 5D.  What is it? Well 5D, otherwise known as the 5th Dimension – is the goal right now.  It’s an entirely different way of living and be-ing. Entirely. This is why you’re receiving upgrades to your body.

Ascension symptoms are wide and varied, ranging from headaches, tingling, nausea, stomach issues, dizziness, heart palpitations and many more. It’s likely you’ve experienced one or many more of these and thought you might have something awful happening to you. These are symptoms of changes occurring at a core level, literally changing your very DNA. It’s like putting a Ferrari motor in a mini. It’s big. It’s amazing! It’s unthinkable.

Why do we need to upgrade? Well we only have to look at the planet and where we are at as humanity, to find the answer to that question. Before this new time-line started (and there’ve been a few) we were headed for catastrophe. We were barrelling towards the very destruction of this wonderful Earth that we call home.

Believe me. It wasn’t pretty. Worse still, it was us as a collective that had created it. But we weren’t alone. A group of darker soul’s had a big hand in it. That’s another story. The good news however is, that this group (a rather large one at that) is now systemically being taken down and removed – at this very moment in time.

That is why we find ourselves in the position we do, of being confined to our homes. Safe. Protected. Away from the danger. Not of the physical virus as such – but another virus. A virus that has run rampant upon the Earth for many eons and worse still – we weren’t even aware of it. Of the spell we were under, whereby we didn’t even know we were living a lie. A gigantic, invisible lie. Right under our noses.

But soon you’ll know what, or more so – who? Has been behind this virus of humanity. Then, you will also know what this other virus is – this Corona or “crown” virus is. A virus of the crown, the mind – spread by?
F E A R.

There’s that word again. It’s all linked. In fact, every-thing on this entire planet is linked. But that’s another story as well.

All you need to understand right now, is that it’s all coming to the surface. It’s about to be revealed. Disclosure. Massive amounts of information is about to be released. But know this – it is for the good of humanity. We’re now on a path of no return and you (if you choose to awaken, take the red pill, see life for what it actually is..) are one of the lucky ones. Some will choose to remain ignorant. The T R U T H far too painful for them to hear. Too awful to B E L I E V E. Too much.

What will happen to them? They will remain on the old time-line. The one where things don’t change. That’s their choice and they made this choice before they even incarnated on planet Earth. They knew they wouldn’t choose to “wake up” at this time. But please don’t worry – they will at another time. Another life – when they’re ready. When their soul is ready to evolve.

How about those that have already left this planet? Taken by the virus. Well believe it or not, they too chose their time to leave. It doesn’t mean they too won’t evolve. They may be choosing a different time-line, a different incarnation OR they may be working on the other side so to speak and assisting Earth with this upgrade/ ascension. Assisting you.

We will still grieve for the person they were and our loss, however they are most definitely right here – only you can’t see them with your 3D eyes. Trust me on this one. They are always with you, guiding, helping, nudging, assisting and loving you. It’s beautiful.

So, what now? What should you do to prepare? Release.

Release any and ALL Fear surrounding this virus. It feeds on fear. It’s hungry for it.
T R U S T. Just Trust that everything happens in perfect, divine timing and that nothing occurs by accident. Those that leave us, knew they would leave. Not on a conscious level – but at a Soul Level. That will be hard to hear for many, but it’s the Truth. Feel that in your gut? That’s knowing.

The best thing you can do, is to remain positive. Enjoy your time to just Be. Enjoy your time with your family. Start a new routine. Start meditating. Start a gentle exercise routine. Sit outside, on your balcony, or by your window for 20 minutes and get sunshine on your skin. Drink plenty, P L E N T Y of water. It helps with the changes occurring in your body. Get plenty of rest. Put L O V E into every thing that you do. Put J O Y into every thing you do. Even the dishes, the cleaning, changing the sheets. Your energy, your happiness, your joy, your L O V E, your L A U G H T E R – is everything. Trust me. Have some fun!!

It will take us to the next level M U C H faster. Fear lowers the energy on the planet and that means the virus lasts longer. Joy raises the energy across the planet – and eradicates it. Trust me.

So, that’s all for now my beauties. Keep smiling, keep trusting, make someone laugh, don’t take life so seriously, watch your pets do funny things, play with your kids, enjoy your life. The future is bright.
Soooooo B R I G H T.
S H I N E that beautiful, iridescent, unique and delightful L I G H T of yours.
You ARE Special. More than you realize.
Trust me.

T H I S  is the Year of D I S C L O S U R E.

ALL will be revealed.
ALL is well. You are S A F E.

Everything is unfolding at a fast rate of speed. But all in Divine Timing.

Much Love



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